In fulfilling its mandate, Conservatoria delle Coste is particularly active in the sphere of European project management
PERLAThe PERLA project “Cross-border region coastal strips Accessibility, Profitability and Safety project”, funded by the French-Italian Maritime Operative Programme 2007-13, takes the overall strategic objective to improve and qualify cooperation between cross-border areas.
FOR_ACCESS The FOR_ACCESS project “Sustainable access and shared management of defensive fortifications” addresses themes of safeguard and enhancement of the cultural heritage represented by the defensive fortifications present in the entire sea and coastal space of the PO Marittimo.
ACCESSITThe ACCESSIT project "Accessible Heritage Itinerary (Itinéraire des Patrimoines Accessibles)" is financed by the “PO Strategico Italia-Francia Marittimo 2007-2013”.
ShMILE 2 ShMILE2 project "From experimentation to dissemination of the Ecolabel in the Mediterranean (De l’expérimentation à la diffusion de l’Ecolabel en Méditerranée)" with a duration of 24 months, is a project financed through the ENPI CBC MED Strategic Projects programme.
LIFE STeRNAThe STeRNA project "Casaraccio lagoons, natural resources and environments" was presented by Stintino Comune in collaboration with Conservatoria delle Costa and the Stintino fishing cooperative.
PEGASO The PEGASO project "People for Ecosystem-based Governance in Assessing Sustainable development of Ocean and coast" is financed by the 7th Framework Programme, Collaborative Projects - Large scale integrating project.