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Environmental education

Paris Tropica, Tuerredda - foto di Andrea Puddu
As detailed in Article 3 of the founding law of Conservatoria delle coste, the main functions of the Agency include the promotion and diffusion of themes related to the sustainable development of the coastal areas, and the stewardship of the environment and of landscapes.
Pan di Zucchero - foto di Alessandro CarboniVisions of the coast, Sardinia Photography Competition
Conservatoria delle Coste organised the “Visions of the coast” (Visioni sulla costa) photography competition primarily to valorise, promote and share the environmental, cultural, artistic and historic heritage of Sardinia.
Adotta una spiaggia Adopt a beach, Ideas Competition
The “Adopt a beach” ideas competition is aimed at 1st grade secondary school students in Sardinian coastal municipalities. The students adopt a beach within their area with the purpose of looking after it, learning about it, valorising it and making it accessible in a sustainable manner.
Radici sarde - foto di Valeria RandazzoDedicated to those who love the sea, Summer awareness campaign
The “Dedicated to those who love the sea” Summer Awareness campaign is part of the integrated communication and environmental education strategy to spread integrated coastal area management principles. It is financed by “P.O.R. FESR 2007-2013 - Intervention lines 4.1.2.b”.