In 1989 the Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) was established and inserted into the stewardship activities of the Mediterranean Sea. These activities were followed by signatories to the 1976 Barcelona Convention aimed at the Protection of Mediterranean Marine Environments and Coastal Regions. The CAMP programmes are coordinated by the PAP/RAC (Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre) of the Mediterranean Action Plan of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
CAMP is aimed at the implementation of coastal management projects developed in pilot areas of the Mediterranean. Its main objective is to extend and implement strategies, action and procedures for a sustainable development of coastal areas. To this end, it identifies and applies ad hoc methodologies and tools for the management of these zones to be championed in areas of particular relevance, but which can then be transferred to other Mediterranean areas.
CAMP ItalyItaly, already signatory to the Barcelona Convention, has signed the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol, adopted in the diplomatic conference held in Madrid on the 20th and 21st January 2008. In the national statement of CAMP Italy, the Minister of the Environment and Stewardship of Marine Areas (MATTM) detailed activities primarily to address, coordinate and apply uniform standards of stewardship across the entire nation. As such the Minister has enabled the identification of a Regional Coastal Champion based on an evaluation of natural features, human and natural pressures and governance tools in place. Following meetings with representatives from Regional Administrations which then identified the proposed CAMP Italy Programme Areas falling within the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Sardinia and Tuscany.
The CAMP project is sub-divided into 3 areas
1. Feasibility studies
2. Action programmes
3. Implementation actions
The CAMP Sardinia projectRegional decision no 72/16 of the 19/12/2008 approved the subscription to the memorandum of understanding between the Minster of the Environment and the regions Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Liguria, Sardinia and Tuscany for the creation of CAMP Italy and the entrusting of coordination of CAMP Sardinia to Conservatoria delle Coste.
With regards to Sardinia, the identified pilot areas are:
• CAMP North, the stretch of coast containing Capo Caccia and Castelsardo, and including Piana and Asinara islands.
• CAMP West, the stretch of coast between Torre Pittinurri and Portixeddu and outlying islands
CAMP began at the end of 2009 and has a duration of 5 years. Its main objective is the definition of an integrated management strategy for the areas indicated, and the implementation of innovative actions proposed by coastal Comunes with coordination and technical support by Conservatoria.
Conservatoria delle Coste has established the CAMP Sardinia Feasibility Study, aided with the implementation of the CAMP Italy Feasibility Study, defined the Actions Programme, and advised on the pilot actions.
Based on the framework and the programme reference, and following analysis of the area’s environmental, socio-economic and historical-cultural processes, the objective of the CAMP Feasibility Study was to identify strategies, specific objectives and priority actions to be pursued and implemented within the selected areas through a sharing process with the Comunes and other involved bodies.
Further information on the CAMP programmes can be found here: