As part of its institutional duties, Conservatoria delle Coste carries forward its strategic activities by collaborating with international partners responsible for integrated coastal zone management and environmental sustainability.
PAP/RACThe United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) delegated responsibility for Integrated Coastal Zone Management to the Priority Actions Programme / Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC).
Plan Bleu Thanks to the collaboration with the Plan Bleu, the Agency coordinates the Italian section of the project Profile of Sustainability in some Mediterranean tourism destinations.
Conservatoire du LittoralConservatoire du Littoral is the agency responsible for the conservation and management of all of France’s coasts.
APALAPAL (Coastal Protection and Planning Agency) is a public utility of a non administrative character under the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment.
CNLThe Algerian Ministry for territorial and environmental planning (Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoir et de l’Environnement ) in 2007 created the Commissariat National du Littoral.