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2017 IMPEL Water & Land Conference - Cagliari, Italy, 4th and 5th October


The Conference will build on the IMPEL Water and Land Expert Team activities and experiences to improve Water and Land inspection and restoration planning practices.

Water, as one of the most precious goods for life, is endangered by multiple threats, often descending from improper land use and illegal conducts. Land is a finite resource, subject to competing pressures from urbanisation, infrastructure, increased food, feed, fibre and fuel production and the provision of key ecosystem services. To get appropriate results, an evolution in the planning approach is needed.
In the conference, there will be a focus on the inspection and restoration planning, to tackle the compliance assurance needs in a mid-long term perspective. A promotion action should be developed, both in the agricultural sector and in the other businesses with impacts on water and soil.
A primary aim and intended outcome of the Conference is building and strengthening the IMPEL Water and Land community through the offering of mutual support, training opportunity and exchange of good practices.

Hashtag: #Impel2017

The conference will take place from October 4 - 5, 2017 at Fondazione di Sardegna, via S. Salvatore da Horta, 2 - Cagliari (Italy).

- Conference program [file.pdf]
- Speakers' presentations [file.zip]